Segment of One -Building Streaming Audience Engagement Analytics for customer lifecycle engagement automation

The future of Audience Engagement – Real Time – Real World “Segment of One”

How is Customer engagement defined in new digital world?

  • Customer engagement today has new meaning – it needs to be renamed as Life Cycle Engagement because it’s about engaging the audience, even before they have become a customer – Infact it is about engaging the audience the moment he steps into your customer life cycle journey. This would mean engaging the audience even in anonymous state of suspect or a prospect
  • Till Now the audience and their behaviour was tracked from the moment they became a customer – Because till then they are anonymous or unidentified state and were dropping out before becoming a customer.  It was not possible to collect and tag behavioral data at an individual level.
  • From a marketing point of view the entire effort – driven through the conversion funnels are Inwardly skewed towards 80- 90% drop outs before they even become a customer
  • Using technology to improve performance & delivery is just not enough – its all about increasing experiences – keeping Delivery & performance as constant

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Real Time Analytics – A Discoverer’s Opportunity

Most businesses today are Reactive – They react only after the customer has placed an order, after the stock price has fallen, after the customer discovered a bug , After Customer has complained, After customer has dropped out , stopped a payment

Most often, either it’s too late or one has too little options and space to manoeuvre or salvage the situation. This type of “Kick me now” syndrome and is witnessed commonly in most organizations.

How is analytics related to this?

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Social Media Rules of Engagement – Part 2

While the best practices for utilizing Social Media will continue to evolve, some multi-million-dollar marketing budgets will be challenged and undermined by simple consumer. It is expected that consumers will use Social Media to exert more influence over marketing organizations and business decisions in the next coming years. The most impactful functions of any business being marketing and Innovation – Marketers and Product managers would be the most impacted and effected with the raise of Social media. The impact could be positive or negative depending upon the way the organizations accept it.
Many organizations are now beginning to understand the impact and realities of social media, For starters organizations now understand that its not about technology, its about being human! and providing human experiences. Social media presents so much potential for new ideas, innovations and Progressions, and also if enabled wisely, social media can play multiple and complementing roles for the consumer viz it can play the roles of :

Social Media Rules of Engagement – Part 1

The power of Social Media has indeed excited a lot of marketers today and it has emerged as new way to communicate, share, collaborate, learn, make friends , have fun, party together or being together in solidarity just like in real world socializing ! except that this socialization is across the world wide web – it has the scale and volumes that were never imaginable – it has capabilities and potential to sync and organize itself into powerful groups, communities and eco systems that can influence Technology, economy, events, politics and just about anything that affects people. In the years to come, the power of social media would be anything but more influential. Continue reading

Social Brand Equity – Every Brand Needs to Earn It

The Traditional Marketing basics tell us that the inherent trait of a brand is to stand apart in a crowd and invoke aspiration, positive associations and good word of mouth while in the process also create some natural brand assets like consumer loyalty, good recall, value & persona associations, price premium, etc. While in a real time marketplace where every product is competing for market share and consumer eyeballs at the shelf space level, a distinctive brand that stands apart does garner some attention among its consumers and once it does that it eliminates the fear of unknown thereby making them feel comfortable with the brand.

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The DNA of a Social Group

The Building Blocks

The building block of a group begins with the creation of purpose. This purpose provides the direction and defines its core. By default the nature of the social groups is to spread or grow of its own kind ( especially the ones with a purpose) . Autonomy & purpose are the core traits or the nucleus of the group, the concept of  growth and Sharing form the Double helix of their DNA and their basic building blocks/ bases that genetic code is defined by their Continue reading

Social Groups – the origin of a New Species

A new phenomenon called social networking has caught up with the world in as recent as last 5-6 years. It has caught the fancy of a ever agile marketing professional looking for an opportunity and reason to sell more of his products and services as well. No doubt Social media is growing fast, it has large no of users, Progressive minded individuals available in a single place (the web); who are sharing serious and non serious conversations, opinions, apps, videos, pictures, insights and knowledge.  Maybe marketers today are induced into this exciting phenomenon with the ever reliable technology of smart tracking tools, browsers, social platforms, Analytics, CRM tools and some great opportunity tags fixed on the foreheads of social media. Continue reading

Social Groups – The Origin of a New Species