Segment of One -Building Streaming Audience Engagement Analytics for customer lifecycle engagement automation

The future of Audience Engagement – Real Time – Real World “Segment of One”

How is Customer engagement defined in new digital world?

  • Customer engagement today has new meaning – it needs to be renamed as Life Cycle Engagement because it’s about engaging the audience, even before they have become a customer – Infact it is about engaging the audience the moment he steps into your customer life cycle journey. This would mean engaging the audience even in anonymous state of suspect or a prospect
  • Till Now the audience and their behaviour was tracked from the moment they became a customer – Because till then they are anonymous or unidentified state and were dropping out before becoming a customer.  It was not possible to collect and tag behavioral data at an individual level.
  • From a marketing point of view the entire effort – driven through the conversion funnels are Inwardly skewed towards 80- 90% drop outs before they even become a customer
  • Using technology to improve performance & delivery is just not enough – its all about increasing experiences – keeping Delivery & performance as constant

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Solving the Unsolved Challenges in E-commerce & Digital Marketing

Customer Centric Digital Marketing


In today’s new age economy, more and more businesses are driven by digital commerce, as traditional and new businesses are leveraging the web as a channel to sell their products & services. Most businesses, small or big, whether they like it or not, has witnessed the rise of the new digital consumer, especially the ones that have tried to harness technology and leverage on the power of digital consumer web or e commerce.

Online marketing still seems to be largely disconnected from the customer, in spite of the fact that social web, mobile web and other web apps have become an ever-bigger part of the online experience. However, many have not recognized its importance or are still trying to figure it out or just trying to avoid or bypass them altogether in the context of their short term priorities.

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